Green Building Materials - moladi

Green Building Materials - moladi

moladi - Green Building Materials

Green Building Materials
Green Building Materials
Embodied Enegrgy: "Embodied energy is the sum of all the energy required to produce any goods"

Refering to the above chart reflecting the energy required to produce a kilogram of raw material in MJ/kg - it is obvious that aluminium consumes the most energy during the production cycle wheras cement per kg is much lower. The higher the energy cost the higher the cost of product - e.g. Sand to Glass or Bauxite to Aluminium - That is why moladi is the most cost effective way to build #green.

For more information visit 

Keywords - Green, moladi, building system, echo friendly, wall, thermal, greenwall, Embodied energy, formwork, technology, structures, low cost housing, affordable housing, housing

For more on moladi

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