Alternative building methods - Save cost using alternative building methods

Save cost using alternative building methods

moladi nigeria

moladi - alternative building methods

Owning a home is the dream of virtually everybody especially in the big cities of Nigeria where house rent is a big index in household budget. This dream is hardly realized by everybody chiefly because of high poverty level, which makes it difficult for people of low income to be able to build or buy houses. The cost of building is high because materials are over 80 percent imported and also the method of building is costly

However, a prospective home-owner can save this cost and even achiev speed in building his house if he or she chooses to use alternative building methods.

Moladi is one such method that saves cost and increases speed of building. It is a new technology that is fast and efficient in terms of construction; cost-effective in terms of affordability; simple in terms of operation, and environmentally friendly in terms of adaptability to climatic conditions and changes.

Adewale Abraham, Moladi’s executive director, who disclosed this to our correspondent, added that the high-point of the new technology is the strength of the walls it produces, explaining that there is a re-enforcement in the wall that cannot be broken down.

Adewale hinted that “all that is needed to produce a wall is to fill the framework (the mould) with a mixture of sand and cement; the next day, the mould is removed and the structure that stays behind is the wall which is much stronger than the traditional block wall we are all familiar with”.

In terms of cost, Adewale stated that a basic 3-bedroom flat with louvre window, and without tiling works, costs about N3.7 million to produce, adding however that the cost of any particular house-type depended on the design and the kind of finishing which the prospective buyer wants.

Saving cost in building could also be achieved by de-emphasising the use of cement block work which is generally costly. “Home-ownership mustn’t be all about cement blocks; low-income earners should embrace alternative building materials to save cost”, experts advise.

alternative building methods
alternative building methods
Tags: moladi, moladi Nigeria, alternative building methods, alternative building technologies, alternative building systems, plastic formwork, forms, cast housing, ABT, building system

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