Houses for chickens - moladi

Houses for chickens - moladi

Houses for chickens
Houses for chickens

chicken production house
chicken production house

moladi is very proud to have been selected as a building technology to house chickens for food production, not only in South Africa but also in Africa. This is getting closer to our goal of going "Back 2 Basics" - Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Food and Shelter - creating jobs producing product
For more information visit moladi at
Keywords - moladi, Houses for chickens, Chicken Coop Designs, Chicken Houses, Poultry Housing, construction, hoender huis, chicken housing, hoender hokke, chicken production, chicken farms

For more on moladi

What is the cost to 3D print a house?

LOW COST HOUSING design concept

Emailing: Angola President Dos Santos Confident About Sustainable Development (Page 1 of 1)