ANC "Pew warmers" are not only in churches

ANC..."Pew warmers" are not only in churches...

25 July 2018

Sent September 2011

What's changed in 7 years? More corruption – More unemployed – More crime – More state employed – More grants – More angry youth 

Re: Nedlac: Werklikhede moet erken word - 

Dis veronderstel om ’n vertoonvenster en bestekopname te wees van dialoog tussen die “maatskaplike vennote”, naamlik die georganiseerde sakesektor, die vakbondbeweging en die regering – die sogenaamde goue driehoek wat so ’n groot rol gespeel het in die heropbou van Europa ná die Tweede Wêreldoorlog.”

In short the above refers to PPP (Posted so long ago, some links are no longer pointing to the referenced article) 

Based on this premise, I sent the mail below on the 6 September, to assist in achieving the goal to create jobs, but to date, not one reply from one of the recipients depicted!

The objective of the communiqué - “To get South Africa (Pty) Ltd working”

Question regarding those that did not respond:

Are these “high profile solution finders/problem solvers” serious about what they are tasked and mandated to attain?

Are they “pew warmers” filling positions for their own benefit (pay packet, status) and either do not nor have not the capacity or knowledge or drive to address unemployment in South Africa?

Many say a “ticking time bomb” – why is NO one doing anything? (SA's 2.8m unemployed-youth scourge a 'ticking bomb', Motlanthe warns)

Is this simply lip service? What happened to UBUNTU - Is UBUNTU a word or a deed? "Are you enabling the community around you to be able to improve?" – Madiba
True what William Shakespeare said – “Talkers are no good goers”
My understanding of the role as an employee of the IDC, IDT or any NGO funded by tax money or Government Department, is to facilitate and support the responsibility of creating employment.  Employees earn a pay packet to fulfil the mandate of this position/job description, as well as the mandate of the CEO’s mission/vision.  Therefore I would assume that if a product or opportunity can fulfil the goals of the organization, then it needs to be followed up and researched/scrutinized by the organization, then either supported or not. This they have not done. Nor has any of the institutions mentioned below done so.

I don’t earn a pay packet. I create my income by exporting moladi technology to train the unemployed to build for the homeless. Creating employment to numerous countries including those within the continent of Africa and provide a better future for all

I do not “have to” create jobs. This is not my mandate. My compassion, my desire, my product, my design capability, my ability all yearns to help those less fortunate. The need is a desperate one – millions are unemployed with no hope for tomorrow.

Best regards

Institutions and Departments Contacted: -

Department Human Settlement

Min Tokyo Sexwale

Chris Vick

Thabane Zulu (DG)

Dr. Zoleka Sokopo (Chief Director: Research)

Richard Dyantyi 

Ministry of Economic Development

Minister Ebrahim Patel

Aldene Appolis

Reneilwe Hlongwane

National Planning Commission

Min. Trevor Manuel

Mr. Bobby Godsell

Mr Trueman Goba

Ms Bridgette Gasa

Mr Cyril Ramaphosa

Mr Elias Masilela

Dr Miriam Altman

Professor Karl Von Holdt

Department Science and Technology

Dr. Mjwara

Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute – SPII

Ms Isobel Frye


Phumza Maweni

Moose Burger


Andile Lungisa

Siviwe Mkoka

Gugu Mjadu

Siyabonga Magadla 

Richardo Dames

Department of Labour

Christa Rossouw

Les Kettledas


Zwelinzima Vavi 

Bheki Ntshalintshali (convenor)

Tony Ehrenreich

Patrick Craven

Presidents Office

Thabo Masebe







Nomaxabiso Majokweni

Raymond Parsons

Dr. Laurraine Lotter - Business Convener – “attaining two imperatives, job creation and economic growth


Gloria Borman MP

Butch Steyn MP

Hon Mrs. Dambuza (Chairperson Housing Portfolio Committee)


Peter Mongwenyana

Ronnie Khoza

Rodney Milford

Gerard Naidoo


Brian Moholo (CEO)

Zohra Ebrahim


Samson Moraba (CEO)

Ms Delca Maluleke

Ms Catherine Masha

Ms Edwina Kruger

Hennie Potgieter (CFO)


Dr. Jeffrey Mahachi (Acting CEO)

The Housing Development Agency

Taffy Adler (CEO)

Joseph Leshabane

Neville Chainee


Geoffrey Qhena (CEO)

Sicelo Sikakane

Gert Gouws

The Role of the IDC

The role of the IDC is to finance and execute Research and Development (R&D) projects by making venture capital available and increasing employment in a knowledge intensive economy, says Qhena.  In SA about 25,7% of the population is unemployed. Innovation will be the main driver to curb the scourge of unemployment, says Qhena.  Innovation is the key driver for a new growth plan especially the green economy, it offers new opportunities to source ideas.


Ms Thembi Nwedamutswu (CEO)

Prof. Edith Vries

Mr Ayanda Wakaba

Mr Vukani Mthintso

Dr Stanley Bhebhe

Steven Ntsandeni

“Mpotulo said the Independent Development Trust was the worst performer, building only 2189 of the 5733 toilets it should have completed by April 2011.” - 


Llewellyn van Wyk

Jeremy Gibberd


Paul Baloyi (CEO)

Jayshree Naidoo (Manager: Innovation and Entrepreneurship)

Standard Bank

Jacko Maree

Department of Education

Bobby Soobrayan (Backlog of classrooms)

Mr. Padayachee (Acting Deputy Director-General)

Zaynab Williams

Karina DeBruin

From: moladi
Sent: 06 September 2011 11:42 PM
To: 'Ministry Ministry'
Cc: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; '';; '';;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; '';;;;;;;;

Subject: Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe - Address on the occasion of the 16th National Economic Development and Labour Council Annual Summit - NEDLAC

Greetings from Port Elizabeth,

Honourable Minister Patel


Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe - Address on the occasion of the 16th National Economic Development and Labour Council Annual Summit, Johannesburg - NEDLAC

The priorities of this council are:
  • To accelerate annual introduction of artisans into the economy
  • To ensure greater access to further education and training opportunities
  • To support the jobs fund by developing worker education and on the job training programmes
  • To review sector skills plans.

Mike Schussler - “South Africa needs to create 10 million jobs in the next 10 years to become a normal country” - Times Live

Prof. Peter Karungu of Wits University - “South Africa should be focussing on “Blue Collar” jobs.  Trades that would be required in the future economic development plans for South Africa, such as Infrastructure and Housing.  Training is one of the fundamentals in preparing these learners and artisans to not only be employed, but to establish them as ‘Entrepreneurs’ and ‘Job Creators’.


President Jacob Zuma – “The government had failed millions of people who were living "like pigs" in informal settlements, and efforts to explain to them why this was so after more than a decade and a half of democracy would be meaningless- IOL.

Minister Tokyo Sexwale - “Human settlements director-general Thabane Zulu told the human settlements portfolio committee it would cost about R58 billion for the human settlements department to fix poorly built houses” - Times Live - Sowetan

The SOLUTION – “Train the unemployed to build for the homeless”

·         Transfer of skills - Creating employment for the bulk (± 80%) who do not qualify for bursaries to study at universities

·         Product for the Base of the Pyramid - Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – FOOD and SHELTER (and WORK) - BoP

·         Establish autonomous skilled business entities - Entrepreneurs

·         Designed to address unemployment, imparting business know how – Create Job Creators

·         Rural Development – Prevent Urbanisation and Migration – moladi VILLAGE - Link

ANC..."Pew warmers"

ANC..."Pew warmers"

moladi Construction Technology has truly come full circle

1986 – Plastic formwork designed and patentedmoladi

1991 – Winner of the PRW Awards Birmingham UK - Link

1997 - Winner of the SABS Design for Development - South African Bureau of Standards

2006 – Award winner of the NHBRC ABSA Innovative Housing Competition - Link

2009 - Science and Technologies Best Man 2009 - Link

2010 - Employ local unemployed to build classrooms - Sowetan

2010 - UNDP, Growing Inclusive Markets Case Study, addressing the Millennium Development Goals - United Nations Development Programme

2010 - moladi Botswana - Link

2010moladi Tanzania – Link

2011 – Exhibit at Smithsonian's Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, United Nations in New York - Rockefeller Foundation - Design for the other 90%

2011 – Invited to speak at the Namibia Investment Forum on the 29-30th November   in Windhoek - Commonwealth Business Council - Link

We wish to get South Africa (Pty) Ltd working and need your assistance and cooperation to IMPLEMENT the SOLUTION and look forward to receive an invitation to discuss detail and implementation strategy.

Build more faster better for less - creating employment 

What moladi has achieved in 7 years: Lets get South Africa Working - Link

For more on moladi

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