Empower community cooperatives to help themselves

Empower community co-operatives to help themselves

moladi Cooperative model - empower people
moladi Cooperative model - Empower people

Entrepreneurship - skills development


Community co-operatives can empower people and fix joblessness

Community co-operatives can empower people and fix joblessness - moladi
Community co-operatives can empower people and fix joblessness - moladi

moladi is a reusable lightweigh plastic formwork system or method of constructing homes or houses or classrooms faster than conventional brick and mortar. A perfect alternative building technology #ABT to traditional masonry construction. NHBRC and Agrément Certified - moladi formwork is a innovative socially accepted building method in 26 countries and not just in South Africa.

Champion TEAM:

A technology supplier

NOT a Builder Contractor or Developer

Awards and Approvals

moladi - First home constructed - 1987

Classrooms and Schools

Use housing construction to empower people, fix the economy and create sustainable smart villages.
Botes — whose company Moladi Construction has delivered formwork homes, schools and government buildings in 20 countries around the world — said the move to overcome poverty and unemployment needed to be leveraged around another key SA dilemma.

“Fourteen per cent of South Africans cannot afford to buy food, 10-million are unemployed and there is a backlog of three-million houses,” he said.

“We must use this backlog to stimulate the industrialisation of the housing production line.

“We can fight poverty, unemployment and associated social ills like crime through housing.

“It’s a matter of connecting the dots.

“And we need to begin by establishing community-based co-operatives and empower people to help themselves.”

The members of each co-operative would be trained in the multiple different skills, from welding and plumbing to electrical work and plumbing, required to build their own formwork homes, he said.

“They can then take these skills into the mainstream economy and establish sustainable businesses, producing a win-win scenario for SA and its people.”

Click on the links below for additional information:
  • Responsible Business Forum – UNDP – Sustainable Development Goals – Reduce Inequalities
  • World Economic Forum – Future of Construction – World Bank: moladi operating in 24 countries Case Study
  • Reduce cost of Affordable Housing #BOP market – Link
  • How to get the unemployed working and the homeless sheltered – JOBS FOOD through SHELTER - Link
  • Finweek – The Builder of the Future - Link
  • Classrooms for the learners - Link
  • moladi model home in Trinidad - Link
  • Hennie Botes - TV Interview - Vision and Purpose - Link
  • Brick and Mortar vs. Injection Moulded Construction System - Link 
  • Youth Employment and skills Development Program Link
  • Disrupting the construction industry with new technology - Link
  • Alternative Building Method - Link 
  • Alternative Building Technology Link  
Keywords: #moladi, #social, #entrepreneur, #innovation,  #Alternative #Building, South Africa,  Alternative Building Technology, #HennieBotes, invented, #inventor, #plasticformwork, empowerPEOPLE, empower, people, sustainable, solution, housing, unemployment, social change, #method, #technology, #plasticformwork, #alternative


For more on moladi

What is the cost to 3D print a house?

LOW COST HOUSING design concept

Emailing: allAfrica.com Angola President Dos Santos Confident About Sustainable Development (Page 1 of 1)