Kick starting African economies post Covid-19

Kick starting African economies post Covid-19

#smartVILLAGE Kick starting African economies post Covid-19

South Africa, like all African countries, can grow their economy by addressing basic needs of the population: Create Jobs producing Food and Shelter (housing)
#EmpoweringPEOPLE to help themselves - Not for people but with people

Create entrepreneurs that PRODUCE product
Creating JOBS
Producing FOOD
Producing SHELTER
Producing INCOME
Producing PROFIT
Producing TAXES
Circular Economy
World Economic Forum
 Jobs - Food - Shelter

Create Jobs producing Food and Shelter
Create Jobs producing Food and Shelter 

Housing is a primary sector of industry that can contribute towards the upliftment and empowerment of the unskilled and unemployed on a broad scale, Moladi wishes to meet the challenge of alleviating the hardships experienced by the millions of people in Africa who are fixed to the bottom third of the economic pyramid through the use, training and application of Moladi. Its contribution towards skills development in Africa could play a vital role in that the application of the Moladi technology is not dependent on skilled labour or artisans in its construction method and utilises local unskilled and unemployed labourers to build Moladi housing units. This allows for greater community participation and as more than 90% of the construction team on a Moladi housing site consists of unskilled labourers, who are trained locally by a Moladi foreman over a period of 2-3 weeks in order to transfer the required skills and knowledge to complete the entire construction process.

Production is KING

For more on moladi

What is the cost to 3D print a house?

LOW COST HOUSING design concept

Emailing: Angola President Dos Santos Confident About Sustainable Development (Page 1 of 1)